This is what life in the family looks like

Arriving early to help cook and set the table. Unloading the dishwasher without asking first. Being called aunt or uncle when you’re not related. These are just a few ways you know you’re no longer a guest — you’re family. 

Our families are the people who know us intimately. At Valleypoint, serving together is one way we become no ordinary family. As we serve, we create deeper connections with God and each other. We discover our spiritual gifts, and we partner with God in blessing others.


When you bring your experiences and abilities into the local church, you’re like the aunt who brings mac and cheese at Thanksgiving. Without you, the meal just doesn’t feel complete. 

Valleypoint has serving opportunities for every personality, skill set, season, and schedule. No matter your age and stage of life, you bring something special to our church family. 

Sign up below to get info about serving in a specific area of ministry. 

Here are your next steps.

Fill out the form below about potential ways to serve at Valleypoint. Once you fill out the form, someone will reach out to you. Then we can help you find what area works best for you where you can get in a rhythm to serve in ways that are beneficial to you and Valleypoint. Just know this, when you sign up to serve, you will find real purpose and build meaningful relationships. Who wouldn't want purpose and meaningful relationships?