Share the Gospel and Find Your Purpose

Monthly Trainings will be at Valleypoint Church in Spokane Valley, Washington every month until April 2026. We would love to spend time with you where we can lead you to have Gospel conversations everyday. 

3 Circles Evangelism

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most profound reality of life. Sharing it with someone can be as simple as drawing three circles.

Discover how you can share the gospel with anyone.

We have set a goal at Valleypoint to have 10,001 Gospel Conversations by Easter of 2026. We will do this by hosting trainings every month and will celebrate Gospel conversations every Sunday! 

Will You Pray? 🙏

We have a 30 day prayer guide for you to pray for people to be saved and for God to use you to share the Gospel.

Sign Up For Your Training

We got you! Below you can find the trainer guide and you can find the learner guide. This is a 6 week training. These 3 Circles Guides are a supplemental resource to help lead the discussion of evangelism and teach 3 Circles in the context of a small group or evangelism training session. 

Want To Lead A Group?

We got you! Below you can find the trainer guide and you can find the learner guide. This is a 6 week training. These 3 Circles Guides are a supplemental resource to help lead the discussion of evangelism and teach 3 Circles in the context of a small group or evangelism training session. Email Pastor Zac to become an official Trainer in 3 Circles.

How to share 3 Circles.

Ready to be trained?

We host monthly training sessions for 3 Circles. Sign up today to secure your spot to learn how to turn everyday conversations into Gospel conversations. 

Plan Your Visit 🥳
We can't wait to meet you!
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